Casa Besares by Arquinoma
This house in Argentina by local architects Arquinoma has a front door tall enough to let in a giraffe.
Casa Besares by Arquinoma
Located in the city of Mendoza, the two-storey Casa Besares is a white-rendered, rectilinear building with wooden floors and a concrete frame.
Casa Besares by Arquinoma
Square and rectangular windows are scattered across the facades, while a wooden staircase folds up between the floors.
Casa Besares by Arquinoma
Other Argentinian houses on Dezeen include one comprising stacked brick volumes and one wrapped in a band of concrete.
Casa Besares by Arquinoma
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Casa Besares by Arquinoma
Photography is by Pablo Betancourt.
Casa Besares by Arquinoma
Here's some more more text from Arquinoma:

Home Besares
The House, like nearly any other house, resolves itself by the addition of elements. In this project, such an addition looks for giving idea in mass. Precisely in a hollow mass. Once the mass is supposed, there starts the diagram of holes. Holes that are windows. Windows that are ways of looking. Ways of looking that are ways of living. Ways of living that are holes. (Some of such a size that make forget the mass).
Casa Besares by Arquinoma
Every window, like any other window, allows a relationship with the distance and nearness. We ask ourselves about distance and nearness in relation to the views of the field – it would be obvious – and also about other distances and nearness; above all, to these last ones, it deals with the availability of the house on the field and the succession of points of view that go with it.
Casa Besares by Arquinoma
So the window is understood as a detail; an empty detail. That’s the way the spaces focus on their specific functions as well as what can be seen through them. What to see, how to see, everything to see, nothing to see. (A wall is an end- way for the eye). Seeing a machine supposes a direction of going and coming from the eye to the outside, and the other way about. Going through a machine: go, come, go.
Casa Besares by Arquinoma
Project: ARQUINOMA –architecture studio-
Author: Arch. Sebastián Serrani
Supporting Team: Eng. Jorge Tanus / Arch. Nicolás Guerra / Arch. Julia Prieto
Surface Team: 220m2
Place: Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
Year: 2008